Plant Sales

The Betty and Jacob Friedman Holistic Garden holds several regular plant sales each year, including a Fall Plant Sale of cool-season vegetables and herbs, a Spring Plant Sale of warm-season vegetables and herbs, and a Songbird and Pollinator Plant Sale of pollinator plants, many of which are native to the region.

The goal of our Fall and Spring vegetable plant sales is to sell high-quality organic produce to the Rice community and to be a resource for our community members as they learn how to grow and harvest their own produce at home.

Please view our Fall plant Catalog and visit our online store for pre-order purchases. To receive updates via our email list, please send a message and ask to be added to

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Citizen Scientist

Sign up here to join our Plant Variety Project

Citizen science harnesses the power of ordinary people to collect or analyze data in order to increase scientific knowledge about a specific subject.

If you have purchased a plant at one of our recent plant sales, you can join the Garden's Plant Variety Citizen Science Project! Share observations about your plant's growing conditions, pest susceptibility, yield, and flavor to help our community better understand different plant varieties' performance in the Houston region.