Garden Features

Sustainable Agriculture

The large vegetable, fruit and herb production beds are the main part of the sustainable agriculture project of the Betty and Jacob Friedman Holistic Garden.

The three large vegetable beds are designed so that crop rotation can be practiced. These beds are replanted at different times so that each area produces 3 to 4 crops in succession during the year.

F-1 is the fruit bed where trees are allowed to grow to full size. This bed demonstrates an array of fruits that can be produced in Houston.

F-2 is the high-density orchard planting. This planting features satsumas for fall harvest, figs for summer harvest and kumquats for winter harvest. These crops were chosen since they would ripen and be ready for harvest when students are on campus. High-density planting means that the trees are planted closer together than normal and will be more intensively pruned to keep them smaller.

F-3 is a planting of grapes and blackberries.

F-4 is the espalier bed which has two lemon trees and a fig tree grown as espaliers. Other fruit crops are tucked into the garden where there is space — a couple of types are in the container garden to demonstrate that fruit can be grown in containers.