
Joseph Novak, Ph.D., is the director of the Betty and Jacob Friedman Holistic Garden. Dr. Novak has a doctorate from Cornell University and served on the faculty of Texas A&M University where he created the area of sociohorticulture. Since 2014, he has been an adjunct professor and lecturer in the Biosciences Department at Rice, where he teaches BIOS 204, advises students in special project activities, and is faculty sponsor of the Rice Urban Agriculture club.

Garden Assistant

Aurora Kesler

Garden Student Workers

Suraj Chandramouli

Olivia Bennett

Alexander Cho

Calla Doh

Jessica Mack

Faith Hill

Abigail Jablon

Carter Jones

Carmen Lizarraga

Claire Morton

Risha Parmar

Brianna Schulstad

Claire Richert

Josh Stallings

Elena Siemens

Karis Williams

Carissa Witt

Christian Steele